Learning Groups
Stimulating Learning Environment
Our Nursery Day
We believe that children learn best through play and provide a range of experiences that enable them to develop the skills needed to prepare fully for starting school. We have a bright, dedicated nursery room, a large hall and access to an enclosed outdoor astro-turf area.
We welcome children between the age of 2 years and school age. Our routine allows time each day for the children to enjoy child-initiated play as a group but also time in age-based groups, where activities are tailored to meet the needs of the group.
Our ‘Rainbows’ group cares for children aged 2-3 years and offers a wide range of play-based learning opportunities. We encourage children to explore and make discoveries in a supportive and friendly environment. Children enjoy stories and song-time to support their early language skills and are supported to understand their feelings and build good relationships with others.

Our ‘Rockets’ group cares for children in their pre-school year and involves both structured, adult-directed activities and child initiated play. We listen to and retell stories and develop language skills through talk-time. We support the children to develop their learning by exploring and testing ideas and engage in play with the children to support their imagination and creativity.